
3 Recovery Tips After Your Discectomy

May 02, 2024
3 Recovery Tips After Your Discectomy
Are you getting ready for a discectomy and wondering what you can do to have a smooth recovery? Learn how to effectively manage your pain, optimize healing, and prevent future back issues with our practical advice. 

Are you scheduled for a discectomy, or are you considering this surgical procedure as a way to relieve your back pain? Understanding what a discectomy involves and how to recover effectively can make all the difference in your healing process. 

Board-certified and fellowship-trained neurosurgeon Praveen Reddy, MD, M.Ch, and our care team at the Center for Minimally Invasive Neurosurgery specialize in helping patients in the greater Houston area with persistent back troubles find lasting relief. In doing so, we use the most advanced forms of minimally invasive spine surgery. 

Take a moment to learn more about discectomy and our top recovery tips for getting back on your feet after your procedure.  

What is a discectomy and why might I need one?

A discectomy is a surgical procedure designed to relieve pressure on spinal nerves caused by a herniated disc. During the operation, Dr. Reddy removes part or all of the damaged disc that is pressing on your nerve. 

This common procedure can greatly reduce pain and improve mobility for patients struggling with severe disc issues that cause persistent pain, numbness, or weakness in your legs. 

If conservative treatments like physical therapy, medications, or injections fail to improve your symptoms, we may recommend surgery. 

What should I expect after my discectomy?

Recovery from a discectomy varies based on your health and the exact nature of your surgery. Dr. Reddy talks to you before and after your procedure about what you can expect, but here are some general guidelines. 

Immediately following the discectomy, you can expect some soreness at the incision site and possibly in your back and leg as the nerve recovers. But most patients notice a significant reduction in the pain that was caused by the nerve compression. 

You’ll need to spend some time resting and giving your body time to heal. Many patients return to light activities within a few weeks, routine day-to-day activities 4-6 weeks after surgery, and more strenuous activities again after 8-12 weeks. 

What are some tips to help improve my recovery?

To help you recover smoothly and effectively after your discectomy, follow all post-op instructions from your surgical team. In the meantime, here are our top three tips for improving your recovery after a discectomy: 

Follow a structured pain management plan

After your discectomy, managing pain is key for a smooth recovery. Dr. Reddy prescribes pain medication for the initial postoperative period. 

Follow the prescribed dosage and schedule to manage your pain effectively without increasing dependency risks. As you progress, Dr. Reddy has you transition to over-the-counter pain relievers. 

In addition to taking your pain medications as prescribed, you can apply ice or cold packs to the affected area to reduce swelling and soothe pain. If at any time you feel your pain is getting worse instead of better, call us.

Actively participate in physical therapy

Physical therapy plays a key role in your recovery after a discectomy. A physical therapist teaches you specific exercises that strengthen the muscles around your spine and improve flexibility without putting extra stress on the healing area. 

These exercises not only support your spine but also improve your mobility and lower your risk of developing more back problems. Stick to the program your therapist outlines and gradually increase your activity level under their guidance.

Practice good body mechanics

After your surgery, become mindful of your body mechanics to stay on the path to full recovery. Learn and practice proper ways to sit, stand, and move to avoid future back issues

For instance, when lifting objects, always bend at the knees and keep your back straight, holding the load close to your body. Avoid twisting your torso while lifting or carrying objects to protect your spine. 

Talk to Dr. Reddy for personalized tips to help you avoid back strain at work, whether you sit at a desk or have a job that keeps you on your feet. Making these techniques a habit can prevent undue stress on your back and help you avoid future injuries.

If you have questions about your surgery or the recovery process, don’t wait to schedule an appointment online or over the phone at our location most convenient to you in Spring, Conroe, Kingwood, Willis, or The Woodlands, Texas.

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