
4 Signs It's Time to Consider Artificial Disc Replacement

Oct 05, 2023
4 Signs It's Time to Consider Artificial Disc Replacement
Are you grappling with persistent back pain and seeking long-term relief? Discover the signs that might mean it's time to consider a revolutionary solution and learn how artificial disc replacement could be your path to a pain-free life.

Have you ever noticed the flexibility and movement your spine offers? Those fluid motions are all thanks to the tiny intervertebral discs cushioning your vertebrae. 

But when these discs face damage or age-related wear-and-tear, they can cause a world of discomfort and limit your mobility. Fortunately, revolutionary minimally invasive surgery can help you regain comfort and restore your range of motion with artificial disc replacement.

Artificial disc replacement involves replacing damaged or problematic discs with state-of-the-art metal and plastic prostheses. This procedure offers hope for those suffering from relentless back pain caused by compromised intervertebral discs. 

At the Center for Minimally Invasive Neurosurgery, with five offices in the greater Houston, Texas, area, board-certified neurosurgeon, Praveen Reddy, MD, MCh., specializes in minimally invasive surgical techniques to perform this innovative surgery. 

Keep reading to take a look at four signs it might be time to consider artificial disc replacement. 

1. You have persistent back or neck pain

Waking up day after day with that familiar ache gnawing at your spine isn’t just physically taxing — it’s mentally exhausting, too. Persistent back pain can put a dampener on your daily activities, restricting mobility and freedom. 

Often, this chronic back or neck pain is due to the wear-and-tear of the intervertebral discs. These discs, located between each set of vertebrae, act as shock absorbers for the spine, allowing you to bend, twist, and lead an active life.

When these discs are compromised, be it through age or injury, they can no longer provide the cushioning the spine requires, leading to constant discomfort. Artificial disc replacement aims to replace these damaged discs, restoring not just mobility but also a pain-free existence.

2. You have degenerative disc disease

As time passes, it brings different age-related ailments. Degenerative disc disease is one such condition, when your spinal discs start deteriorating, often leading to chronic pain. 

Initially, the symptoms might be subtle — occasional discomfort after prolonged activity or stiffness upon waking. But as the condition advances, the pain becomes more persistent, often accompanied by numbness or tingling sensations in your limbs.

Degenerative disc disease isn't merely an age-related ailment. It develops in younger adults due to factors like genetics, lifestyle choices, and injuries. Artificial disc replacement surgery comes to the rescue as we replace the degenerated disc with an artificial one, effectively addressing the root of the problem.

3. You have a herniated disc, and it’s not improving

Imagine a jelly-filled doughnut. This is similar to the structure of your spinal discs. A herniated disc occurs when the soft jelly pushes out through a tear in the tougher exterior. This can irritate the nearby nerves, leading to pain, numbness, or even weakness in the affected area.

While herniated discs can sometimes heal on their own with conservative treatment, the symptoms could persist or even worsen over time. 

When the pain is relentless, affecting your quality of life and not responding to traditional treatments, artificial disc replacement might be your best solution. By replacing the herniated disc, we directly address the source of the pain.

4. Previous treatments haven’t given you relief

Sometimes, on your way to finding a solution for back pain, you end up trying multiple treatments, such as physical therapy, pain medications, and chiropractic care. 

Many find relief through these methods, but for others, the pain remains a constant companion. If you've tried and tested multiple treatment approaches without significant relief, it might be a sign that it’s time for artificial disc replacement.

How minimally invasive surgery helps

Spinal health is not just about the absence of pain. It's about leading a life filled with activity and vigor. And deciding on a surgical procedure is never an easy choice. 

But armed with the right information and the guidance of an experienced surgeon, like Dr. Reddy and our team at Center for Minimally Invasive Neurosurgery, you can make an informed decision.   

Using minimally invasive surgical procedures, Dr. Reddy ensures your treatment requires smaller incisions, leading to less blood loss, a reduced risk of infections and other complications, and a faster recovery time. 

Plus, you experience less postoperative discomfort, since the procedure targets only the affected discs and leaves your surrounding tissues untouched. 

To learn more, schedule an appointment online or over the phone today at one of our Houston-area locations in Conroe, The Woodlands, Willowbrook, Willis, or Spring, Texas.

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