
Here’s How to Prepare for Your Spinal Surgery

Dec 13, 2023
Here’s How to Prepare for Your Spinal Surgery
Are you facing spinal surgery and feeling a little overwhelmed? Understanding how to prepare can set your nerves at ease. Keep reading for our top tips to help you prepare confidently for your procedure and recovery.

If you’re facing spinal surgery, you might be feeling a mix of emotions leading up to the day of your procedure. It’s not uncommon to feel nervous about the process and outcome. 

One way to reassure yourself is by doing everything you can to prepare ahead of the big day. At the Center for Minimally Invasive Neurosurgery, with five locations across the greater Houston area, we’re here to put your mind at ease. 

Our board-certified neurosurgeon Praveen Reddy, MD, MCh., specializes in cutting-edge back, neck, and brain treatments, including minimally invasive, robotic-assisted spinal surgery. This type of surgery helps you recover faster with less pain and smaller scars than traditional spinal surgery.

Keep reading as we give you our top tips for preparing for your upcoming spinal surgery. 

Understand the procedure

Before your surgery, take time to educate yourself about the procedure. There are different types of spinal surgeries, including discectomy, spinal fusion, laminectomy, foraminotomy, and disk replacement.  

Dr. Reddy gives you an overview of what to expect, but reading up on the procedure helps you feel more in control as your understanding grows. You can look at reputable medical journals or trusted online websites for reliable information. 

By looking more closely at your surgery, you can talk to Dr. Reddy beforehand about any questions or concerns you have. Our team at the Center for Minimally Invasive Neurosurgery is here to guide you, making sure you feel well-informed so you’re confident going into your spinal surgery. 

Prepare physically 

It’s a good idea to prepare physically, so you’re in the best shape possible before your spinal surgery. This leads to a faster recovery and reduces your risk of complications. 

For example, with Dr. Reddy’s approval, strengthen your body by engaging in light exercises to improve your overall physical well-being. Focus on core-strengthening routines, because a strong core can help you recover faster. 

Pay attention to your diet, too. A balanced diet fuels your body for surgery and recovery. Incorporate plenty of protein, and eat lots of fruits and veggies. Avoid excessive caffeine and sugar.

And if you smoke, now is the time to kick the habit. Smoking increases your risk of complications and even death. If you need help quitting, ask our team or your primary care provider. 

Put your mind at ease

Your state of mind before and after surgery can have a big influence on your recovery and outcome. 

Help set your mind at ease by managing pre-surgery jitters with meditation, deep breathing exercises, or even guided imagery. Visualize a successful surgery and quick recovery to help your nerves. 

A good support system is also key. Surround yourself with supportive friends and family. Having care in place can be a comfort during this time before your surgery.

Prepare your post-surgery environment

Take time before your surgery to set up your post-procedure environment. Make sure your living space is safe and accessible. Install grab bars in the bathroom and place essentials at arm's reach to reduce unnecessary movement.

In the first days after your surgery, you might need some extra help. Use the time leading up to your procedure to make arrangements for a loved one to be there for assistance or consider professional caregiving services.

Finalize surgery logistics

Think about the logistics related to your procedure. Take time to plan out how you’ll get to and from your surgery. You need someone to drive you, and taking care of details like these ahead of time can ease surgery-day stress. 

After your surgery, you need regular checkups so we can monitor your recovery and address any issues right away. Use the time before your surgery to schedule follow-up visits, if possible, and arrange for transportation, if required.  

Every patient's surgery and recovery is unique. While the advice above gives you some general guidelines, it's important to talk with Dr. Reddy for personalized pre-surgery recommendations and advice. This gives you the best foundation for a successful surgical experience.

If you’re considering spinal surgery, contact our team at the Center for Minimally Invasive Neurosurgery in Conroe, The Woodlands, Kingwood, Willis, or Spring, Texas, for personalized guidance.

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